Monday, March 21, 2011

6 More Weeks!

So it's official!! Last night we bought MY TICKET HOME!!! It seems like just yesterday I was jumping up and down cuz we bought my ticket TO France and now I only have 6 short tiny weeks until I return to the USA, my home, my family, and friends! I can hardly wait! Just hours prior to the ticket purchase I was calm as ever without giving considerable thought to coming home but after my mom told me we got it, I was kinda spazzing! SO SOON!!! It is actually a lot sooner than planned but that's because I need to take the SAT! So I will arrive the night of Tuesday, May 3rd! And take the SAT that Saturday!

 I'm so overjoyed! Just reflecting back on this amazing experience not excluding some serious bouts of homesickness... I have loved it all so much! I have met some wonderful people I consider family and experience firsthand the French culture! My French is considerably better! When I first got here, I remember being told that you can't see the progress day by day but a few months later you will look back and be astonished at the growth so here I am almost done and I am truly stunned by my progress! :)

 I'm sure these next 6 weeks will bring excitement at my homecoming as well as nostalgic moments with my French family! I have 4 more weeks of school! 2 weeks of April vacation :) One of which will be spent on a trip to Istanbul and Lebanon :-) I will also fit lots of studying in there! And then I'm home! It is still surreal! :) I have missed so many people! And all I can think about is the giant hugs I am gonna give each one of them! (Okay okay... I think about the big juicy In-n-Out burger I will devour as well!) I'm going home! I'm going home! I'm going home!!! I'm too excited for words!!! :-)

P.S. The cord that transfers from my camera to my computer is lost! I have lots of posts but most of them desperately need the accompaniment of pictures! So if worst comes to worse, they will all be posted when I get home! Better late than never! Right? :)