Monday, September 13, 2010


For me this weekend was mostly recharging my wearied spirit from school. Haha starting with a nap Friday right when I got back from school :-) I was really tired and a whole weeks worth of not understanding anything had kinda taken it's toll!

 Saturday, we went to ITALY! Haha :-) I saw Monaco...

We didn't go very far past the border but I was in Italy! I love how it is so easy here to just go for an afternoon drive to a different country!! :-) On the way there, the kids and I did the "don't breathe in the tunnels" game which got kinda challenging because there were a lot of tunnels! We went by the beach which was absolutely gorgeous! And we got gelato!:-) It was my dad's birthday so I had some pistachio gelato just or him! :-)
Italian beach
Sophie, Me, Sam, and Mailys

Then we went to this little village on a hill which had very very very weird bathrooms! I took pictures! YES! It's a toilet! You put your feet on the squares and squat! So disgusting!! I don't know who ever thought this was an efficient way to go to the bathroom!

Bathroom technology at its Worst!

I tried a fig for the first time which actually was delicious and sweet. Then, I slept on the way back. That night they had some people over for dinner so it was chill. I got to talk with Stasha! Well... at least when Marine wasn't trying to talk to me! Haha :-)

On Sunday, we went to a picnic in this park. It was very fun! They had desserts set up on the table so I had dessert and then I ate my lunch which was a baguette sandwhich with cheddar cheese!! Americans love their cheddar! It's vey expensive here which I thought was hilarious because in America you can by it by the ton! You can get cheddar in all shapes and sizes! Including squeaky cheese and cheese in a can!!! Haha :-) I got to talk with Stasha more! I think this gets more and more true but I don't think I could have done this without Stasha and her family! I love her kids! Abby, Sophie, Samuel, and Carter! They are adorable :-) When we got back, Abby and I watched Modern Family! One of the best shows ever! Sunday night, I did my homework while Abby watched Click which is hilarious! Then we went to her house where we had pasta for dinner! Gotta love pasta! :-)  I think I'm ready for a whole nother week at school! :-)

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