I told my friend, Ashlee, this and her first response: "No Alyssa! You can't get that French! Stop it right now"
Me: "Too late! I'm too far gone! I'm as French as French Fries which actually isn't saying a lot cuz French Fries are actually Belgian!"

Ashlee: "Okay then that makes you as Belgian as French Fries!!!"
Me: "What the heck? I've never even been to Belgium! I don't even care about them! What have the Belgians ever done?"
I love Ashlee and her completely irrevelant comments! :)

But seriously Ashlee is awesome cuz she sent me a package for my b-day with a mix CD(each with a little explanation of the meaning of the song), Pride and Prejudice DVD(our movie!), and candy (Skittles, Starbursts, and Nerds cuz I'm a nerd as Ash put it!)
awwww lyss i like this post! ;) haha "you're as Belgian as French fries"... that whole conversation was just ridiculous :) haha is that the belgian flag???? You ARE Belgian! It's chill with me if you want to be belgian...i mean i hear they make good waffles so as long as you make me some when you come home you know...its whatevs. I'm glad you liked that package :) I know I'm glad I gave you Pride and Prejudice!