Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Homecoming Countdown! :)

ONE MONTH!!! It feels both too faraway and way too close all at the same time! I figure the best I can do is live up and enjoy the time I have left :) I've been hanging out with friends, going to my favorite spots, and just reminiscing about my time here! And that's just the beginning! Intense nostalgie will kick in soon enough! I'm gonna miss these amazing people so much! When I was buying my ticket, Sophie was like "No! Buy it in 17 yrs!" and she'll always give me hugs and say "I don't want you to go!" I really don't want to leave but I wanna be home but I can't have my cake and eat it too! :(

 Even though I'm sad to be leaving, I'm also really happy to be going home! I just have moments where I'm think "Home!" and I get super excited! When I was little and I got really excited, I would smile so big that the veins in my neck would pop out as if all my excitement was about to burst! Haha well I find myself doing that a lot of times here! I just think of getting into my normal routines! Driving! Seeing my amazing family and friends! And of course the food! :) It just feels like time!

Sunday I was Skyping with my mom and we had a very fun chat! :) There wasn't one "I'm homesick!" "The French blah blah blah sucks" "I feel empty without you!" JK! Haha but seriously it was just chill and funny! My mom won't say it out loud but she is absolutely relieved and elated I am coming home! Haha I keep everyone under control! And I'm her favorite! :) I miss her too! There will many a snuggles and a cuddles shared!

I like countdowns :) For birthdays, holidays, big events, whatever! So I've been doing my classic system.... pester the day into everyone's head with constant reminders so they will never forget my homecoming date: May 3rd! Phoenix Airport! Be there or be square! :)

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