Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lazy Days! :-)

So for the 3 remaining days of break, I had about the laziest days ever! I didn't put on make-up, wore PJs the whole time, and I barely got out of bed to eat! I watched movies, worked on my blog, and slept... I kinda looked like this... Abby randomly took this picture... I had gotten excited about something I read on the computer which explains the odd look on my face!

Or something like this... I wore the funniest clothing... Long sleeves, shorts, and knee highs! It was comfy though :)

One ofthe few times I left the house was Monday night we all went for a family walk...in the rain! It was so fun!!! After we got the fire going, watched old western and music videos, and just hung out!

I was also awaken out of my zombie like state when the girls came in to my room begging me to take them to Cannes because they are too little to go on their own! At first I wasn't feeling very inclined to go but the girls would not take no for an answer... The bus ride there was a trip! So we all got on, payed, and got our receipts then a few stops later, this lady just storms on and passes the driver to pay and just plops herself down at the back of the bus. So then the bus driver has Abby go up and he said that one of the little girls hadn't payed. So we all got out our tickets to show him but then he told Abby because that lady hadn't payed, it was "her duty" to pay for her. I really didn't see why he was picking on a little girl and why he couldn't get the lady to pay for herself! Abby just gave him the euro. I told her she shouldn't have because the guy's an idiot! I couldn't stand up for her at all because I can't speak French in a coherent manner that would suffice for this situation. It was definetely and absolutely ridiculous! Abby was not too happy and you could definitely tell she was upset... Finally, I told her to stop the negativity and gave her a euro... It did suck but when someone is going on and on, it is uncomfortable and tiring for everyone around.

After that it ended up being way fun! We went to McDonalds where this little girl was going around begging which was pretty sad. We walked over to the little play area by the beach and they have these cut-outs all over the place! Captain Jak Sparrow... The girls were a little short :)

Mailys is taller but Sophie jumped and hung on!

All the girls wanted to go on the merry-go-round and so I kinda played mom by watching them, holding all their stuff, and taking pictures...




I think we know what she is aspiring to be... Sophie the Truck Driver!


Check out the little Ferrari! Remind me of Cars... Again with the Disney movies! :) "Luigi only follow the Ferraris!"

And the Cinderella pumpkin carriage...




Best Friends!


I was actually pretty surprised at how fast this thing could spin!

Sophie had given me her bag to hold... And I got a tad curious about what a 10 yr old would need in her purse...

A Barbie dress because you just never know when you are gonna find a naked Barbie in need of a pink ball gown! :-)

An old check book of her parents where she had taken the liberty of writing herself a check for one million dollars/ $100 000 000! Haha

I think it was too much stimulation for one day so I was really happy when I got back home, got in my PJs, and got all toasty and cozy in my bed again!

All the days kinda run into each other so I don't remember when this was... Actually I think it was after break but it's all in the same category... Random! Okay so... Abby had picked some flowers and gave them to me...

One night Carter just comes into my room and shows me this app on the iPad...

It's like this Robot thingamajiggy and you can make it talk and such... Carter absolutely love it!

He would have me type things for it to say like names and stuff... For one, he wanted me to put "Alyssa is weird"... But instead I had it say "Alyssa is awesome! Carter is weird!" Haha his reaction was hilarious! Just like that lightbulb like "Hey! That's not right!"

He really did get a huge kick of it! His face would just light up and he would have the cutest smile when he made it say something funny!

Pascaline and Mailys found a porcupine somehow... We kept it in the back for awhile but I don't know if it died or what happened...
Some will flip and some won't... Oh well!

I don't know how this got started but it ended with Abby having a pen in her hair...

Silly Bandz have been the big crazy with the chil'en lately! Mailys had just bought a ton so put them all on my floor and showed me um...

It's more impressive when you see them all on her wrist! Haha obsessed much?

My lazy days wer definetely very refreshing especially due to the fact that at the end of it I would have to face school! I absoutely love France but the one thing that has been just a total terror is school which of course was expected but it does drone on and on... I feel so out of my element and it is for a long time. I am trying to think of classes not as a history class or a chemistry class but just as all French class... I'm not here to learn the historical dates, philosophy regarding Candide, or properties of water! I could care less about all of that... I wanna learn French! I try of course but with little avail. Sometimes going to school just feels completely useless especially when it's raining! I don't mind rain as long as I'm not in school! That's the worst! :-/ Plus I think it's totally dumb to have to go back from break just for Thursday and Friday! No teachers really do anything! Mine as well just make it a nice even 2 weeks but then again having a week and a half is a lot better than just one week! :)

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