Monday, October 4, 2010

The Bipolar Weather!

Rainy day in Mougins!

I just thought this looked cool...

Seriously no other word could better describe the weather here than bipolar! It can go back and forth from sunny and happy to cloudy and rainy in a snap! It's difficult to always dress appropriately! You don't know if the weather will stay good or just randomly change!

It will be freezing in the morning that burning hott in the afternoon! And I hate bringing a jacket when I'm just gonna take it off later... It's a Catch 22!

Plus I've heard some scary stories about rain for one week straight! I live in Arizona! I'm not ready for this! When it rains in AZ, everyone freaks out! Pretty much all the Facebook statuses say "It's raining!!!" Here, it's just a common occurrence!

A while back it snowed here! It was snowing, snowing, snowing! And then real quick it changes and it's all melted and it goes back to sun! Talk about crazy!!!

Can I just say how terrified I am for winter?? The humidity makes it freezing!!! Again, I'm an Arizona girl! The most you would need is a light jacket! Gee whiz! :-/

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