Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dessert or Desert?

Haha Saturday night, we were having a big dinner so Nicolas asked me if I wanted to make dessert. I was all for it so I went to the supermarket with him. It was a trip to remember! The main grocery store here is called Casino... No idea why considering it isn't actually a casino!

There is a very extensive selection of cheese of course! Everything is really fresh. There are some very interesting food too... Guess what this is!

Requin is French for shark!
Yes! Curry Shark! Yummy!!!

Escargots (snails) anyone???

Because it was kind of short notice, we decided I could just do something easy. They have these packets of cake or brownies that are already mixed and you put straight into the pan. We got these...

Chocolat Nut Brownies

Chocolate cake

We didn't have a small enough rectangular pan, so we just put the brownie mix in a big one. I couldn't spread it all the way or it would be too thin so it ended up just being a big blob in the middle.

The cake fit fine and that one looked a lot better! It turned out pretty good too!

The brownies on the other hand... got burnt and you could play frisbee with it cuz it came out whole. It was wavy and weird. I couldn't stop laughing :-) It didn't look like dessert at all! It looked like a desert!

How does that not look appetizing?
Haha the kids ended up eating most of it! I would have just throw it out but it did taste a lot better than it looked! The dinner was still really fun!

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