Friday, October 22, 2010

Chilling With the Chil'en!

Okay this all started Friday night at dinner... We were talking about pickles... Who likes um and who hates um! Keely, my sister-in-law, here is her take on pickles: "Pickles are cucumber soaked in evil!" Haha I couldn't agree with her more! So while we are having this deeply profound and intelligent discussion, Sam just randomly says "Oh I got bit by a pickle once!"

Everyone was like "...Okay..."!

I said "Sam are you sure? You know what a pickle is. Right? It's food!"

He just said "Yeah! I know! I got bit by one!" So of course we asked him to explain especially due to the fact that the bite was indeed on his foot... As if it wasn't weird enough

"I was eating a hamburger at McDonalds and a pickle fell out on the ground and it just bit my foot!!! I have a scar!" So obviously we had to see it and I got my camera to make sure to properly document Sam's pickle bite... And here it is...

So this gave us all a pretty good laugh for a while and that was enough to get the kiddos all riled up! It lasted pretty much the entire night! And all these pictures are just me hanging out with them having a great time! :-)

Sam having very bad table manners and showing us his food...

So for dinner we had pasta with meat in it! For some reason, Mailys felt this warranted the use of chopsticks... Haha

I am the official piggy back giver... I feel like the kids' jungle gym sometimes. The instance they see me they try to jump on me... They will try to be all sly and sneak up on me but none of them are really tall enough to full get up by themselves! Haha :-) But when I'm feeling it, I'll give them rides but it's difficult cuz then they all want a turn... Carter is tiny so he is really easy to carry.

Carter falling off

Sam is so weird!

So they both wanted to get on me at the same time so this was the solution! Funny faces!

My lil sis!
Carter is such a ticklish boy but he doesn't always like to admit it!!! I started tickling him and he said "No that doesn't tickle! See I'm not laughing!"

"Yes you are! I can see you! I'll take a picture to prove it!" So he immediately tried to cover his face...

Love the tongue



Yeah he can't hide his laughter!!!! :-)
Then Sam got on my shoulders somehow when I was sitting down! He's pretty sly...

Then Carter had to do it but he was a lot easier!

Then this is Carter almost falling off my shoulders... Upside down pics!

But Carter lands safely on the couch and not the tiled floor!

Abby wasn't participating much in the fun... She would take some pictures but mostly just watch TV. She has major scoliosis and so she has to wear this brace at night. Not fun for her! But aren't the zebra stripes cute? :)

And Mailys needed a turn!

Carter enjoyed being taller than me! :)

Abby had to take pictures of her dog. Coco is her obsession!

I don't remember how these open mouth pics commenced but they are funny!

Then I sat on Sam and then Mailys sat on me!

"Sam how do you feel about me sitting on you?" and I took a picture of his reply! Not too happy by the looks of it!

Sophie the entire time was just focused on the TV the entire time but this is when she started getting involved in the fun!

This next picture took a few shots because they kept getting distracted with the TV!

The Girls!!!

After this, Mailys, Sam, and Carter all raided my room! They would all run so quickly and I would put one out but they would run it while I was going for someone else. Sam and Mailys would jump in my closet. Finally, I had to bribe um with Sour Patch Kids! I started going downstairs but Sam and Mailys tried to steal more so I told them that they don't ever get anymore. What punks!!!

Then they tried to play cards but I understood about none of the directions so I kinda abandoned it pretty quickly...

Carter loves yogurt! Carter refuses to use a spoon while eating his yogurt! Carter gets yogurt all over his face!

Okay... So one of Pascaline's patient gave her this as a gift... So bizarre! 

A giant zucchini!

So just to get an idea of how big this thing was I had to make some sort of measurement to compare with... I used my hand!

Haha we had lots of fun with it!!!

Lil Sophie is actually a little actress. I guess she does some advertising and she put on one of the commercials she did. You could definetly tell she was so proud of herself. She played it a million times and all the other kids seemed jealous... Like "Oh big deal"! Haha it was pretty cute I thought! It was a car ad.

Then I sat on Carter. He was laughing the entire time...

And then I said "How do you feel about me sitting on you?" and then his face turns all mad... It's too cute!

Later Sam, Carter, and Mailys were in my room again. Carter fell and hit his head on the end of my bed pretty hard. I felt bad! Even if I didn't do it, I feel partially responsible cuz I was there! Poor kid... But all in all, it was a great night and an even greater way to kick off break!

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