Saturday, October 30, 2010


Schedules are pretty meaningless for us... It's just kinda we go when we go so we said leave at 10 and it was closer to noon... Haha a 9 hour trip!!! It seemed like we had less stuff going back even though we had gotten souvenirs and such! The ride back was very similiar to the ride up. It rained. We stopped a lot. We slept. We didn't do much! Haha Mailys would give me a dead arm a lot when she would fall asleep on me but it's too cute to move!

We stoped at a gas station for lunch. We ate this shredded carrot thing that I've never had until coming to France but I like it! And sandwhich meat and cheese! And for dessert, a Kit Kat! Haha it was my first here! I think it tasted different than American but still good! Kits Kats are my absolute favorite candy!

On the way back, we stopped at the medieval village of Pérouges! The weather wasn't the best but it was cool nontheless!

The pavement was totally just stones that stuck out a lot! Kinda felt like a massage on your feet! I'm so very glad I did not wear my Stilettos that day! I had even thought about it...Haha :-)

We saw this and they were like "Good picture!"

Haha and they were like "Do they have anything like that in the US?" and I'm always being sarcastic about stuff like that! I said "Oh yeah!!! It's just like home!!!" :-)


So apparently, there is this speciality of Pérouges called galette!

I had never heard of it! I saw one and I was just like "It's pizza!" but it isn't really... It has this sweet dough/ crust and then it is covered with this sugar stuff!!! Ahh it's so hard to explain! It looks like cheese but it's not! And it isn't really served warm! It was delicious though!
This was Mailys's portion!
Along with some hot chocolate! Haha this was kinda like our dinner! It gave Mailys a stomach ache later! Poor thing! The waitress server lady was dressed in this old apron and costume... all part of the environment! :-) This set us back a little bit but it was so worth it! :-) I think we all got a sugar high because none of us were tired... Most of us were just up and kicking up until we got back at 11:30!
It started raining pretty bad. It didn't seem like we slowed down one bit. The rain drops would just pound on the car. I didn't even know how the drivers could see the road but tha's France for you! I've seen very few accidents but I've seen a lot of almosts! Drivers are just more aggressive here.

 I did however see a car explosion on the way back. It was this truck and it was just sitting in the middle of the highway. The cab was just in total flames. I've never seen anything as crazy as that. The driver is burnt to a crisp no doubt if not dead... So sad!

I was happy to be back! It had been a fantastic week but I missed the Ashtons a lot! They are like my family and I just missed chilling! Vacations are great but always feeling like a guest! Living out of a suitcase! I can only handle so much! I got that "It feels so good to be home!" after a vacation feeling! Haha well...this is my home after all!!! :-)

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