Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bittersweet :-/

For some reason, I randomly woke up at 4! Thank goodness because I probably would have missed my flight! So I packed for a while... Then at around 6 I went to the Powells to say goodbye! I love that whole family... I went home and packed some more. Then I went to Emileigh's to say goodbye. Then to Lindsay's house...which is pretty much my second home! Then I had to say goodbye to my mom because she had to go to work :-( Lindsay and I then went to Higley and I said goodbye to Mr. Farrlley, my AP US history teacher, and Mr. Clark, my hnrs chemistry teacher. They are the best teachers ever. The gates were locked when we were going to leave so Linds and I just walked out of the office doors like we owned the place and no one got mad at us. I wonder if that would have worked all year! Haha then went to the Thornes house to say goodbye. I've been babysitting for them for a while and I absolutely love it!! They have the two cutest little boys ever- Dallas,4 and Dylan,2. I'm going to miss them so so so much!! All that was left was for me to finish packing which was kinda stressful but with the help of Lindsay, we strategically got everything I needed with the bags just barely under 50 pounds-stinkin weight limit!! My carry-on weighed a gazillion pounds though!!! Bri, Lane, Linds, and I went to Chic-fil-a and QT and then Linds, Lane, my dad, and I were off to the airport. We had to speed because my dad thought the flight was a lot later than it actually was! Haha and then we went to the wrong terminal. I barely made my flight and we got a little hassle for not having our bags checked 2 hrs early! That's not how the Carters do it! Linds and Lane walked me to the security where we had to say our very tearful goodbyes. I was just trying to focus on the technical like I'm going to miss my plane but once I sat down on the plane I just started balling! Those two girls are amazing! And I don't know what I'll do without them! They are both like sisters to me... Well one actually is! Haha

So that's it... I'm going to France and I won't be back for about 10 months! It is one of the most scariest and most incredible things I have ever done! It really is just bittersweet! I wish I could just pause how life is right now and then come back and press play. I really did like where I was and I am giving it all up for an adventure! Yupp I’m pretty much crazy! I’m scared everything is going to change when I get back and I won’t be there to experience it. A year is a long time… But I think it is so worth it! I'll be bilingual by the time I get back! French is a beautiful language :-)

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