Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Family Bowling Night

So Wednesday we went bowling with the Ashtons :) My family and I would go bowling all the time so it was so fun! Even if I did terrible :-/ I got like one spare and my totally was only 2 digits so I'll just leave it at that. I blame it on France because I never stunk this bad in America! Haha but then again all the kids had bumpers and I did not! I was laughing too much when this picture was takien

Carter was funny because he would just throw the ball, slip because he went past the line, and then starting dancing and messing around not even caring if he hit any pins! I love kids!!

I like bowling shoes... They are fun to go on your tiptoe in! So when the final frame came, Pascaline and Nicolas said if I could get a strike they would give me a note to get out of PE swimming the next day. I think I came one pin away and I was so distraught but they finally agreed that was okay! :)

We went to Haagen Daaz after :) I love me some ice cream! I had eaten mine pretty quickly because I hate melting but Mailys is like the slowest eater ever... So once I was all finished and she had only taken 10 licks tops, she decided she didn't want it anymore. Everyone was like "Just give it to Alyssa! She'll eat it!" So she shoved her melting ice cream into my hands... I was kinda in a pickle. I like ice cream don't get me wrong but I didn't know how I was gonna eat a whole nother! And it was just sitting there melting and I couldn't just chuck it out the window so it was either eat or have it covering your entire front side... So I ate it! Haha I guess I am just the American garbage disposal! I sure know how my dad feels now!

So the next day, I got to sleep in which made put me in a dang good mood! I took the 9:30 bus and I was on there about 5 minutes when the bus started smoking. The driver stopped right in the middle of the road and everyone evacuated the bus. I was having a hard time understanding what was going on because I couldn't understand but when everyone is rushing to get off the bus you kinda just go with the crowd :-)

So right when we got out, it started raining! I had forgotten my umbrella that morning and I was gonna go get it but I was afraid I would miss the bus... But I ended up standing in the rain because I caught the dang bus... Irony much? I guess I was just not meant to go to school that day! After about 10 or 15 minutes a replacement bus showed up and I actually ended up being right on time for class! Haha :)

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