Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sick! (Not in a Good Way)

Just like in AZ with the start of the cold weather, I am sick and it always stays to some degree with me the entire winter!!! I get colds year round even in AZ summers so winters just magnify my susceptibility! Also seeing how Mougins, France is a vastly colder than Gilbert, AZ, I think this just might be my best record yet! Not exactly an acomplishment if you ask me!

I'm pretty sure I got sick in Paris because it's colder there plus we were walking around outside pretty much the entire time! When I was having my lazy days, it wasn't too much of a bother but when school started, it became very much intolerable! I had a sinus headache that lasted about 4 or 5 days! My nose felt like it was melting! I filled up my trash can with tissues! My throat was killing me!

The only cool thing was the voice changing! It's always fun! But I was worried because I can barely speak English with a different voice let alone French! Haha one morning Nicolas had asked me a question and I answered "Pas beaucoup" which means "Not a lot" and he was like "What??? Barbeque???" Haha! :-)

Plus my mind is totally shot when I am sick! I had forgotten half my stuff for school to take to school so I was so unprepared! Something in history said J.C. and I was like "Oh Julius Caesar!" Haha that's not it... It's Jesus Christ... Haha oh and one day, I was trying to ask my friend if he could freestyle on the piano... You know like play without music just rocking it! But it came out "Are you fluent at playing the piano?" Oh man!

Fortunately, my parents are both doctors who got me some great drugs! Immunity powders to drink with water! And nasal spray which I felt really nerdy using but it actually helps a lot! Well... once you get past the feeling like you just squeezed toothpaste up your nose! Nicolas even wrote me a note to get out of swimming because I felt like crap!

So Saturday afternoon, I went down for lunch which in and of itself was pretty crazy! When I'm sick I kinda feel "drunk" in a way! I do and say the weirdest things but I don't remember much of it! I was barely able to form coherent English sentences let alone French! I remembered Abby had dropped her chair in the pool and I just went right in, got my whole arm wet, and got the chair... When just the day before I couldn't get more than one toe in! And somewhere along the way, Nicolas ate a whole spoonful of wasabi! We were eating sushi and we were just joking around and he did it! Later he drank soy sauce too cuz I told him how my sister, Bri, does that!

After lunch we were just hanging around the pool eating chocolate... For some reason, I was walking around the little basin... It was freezing but once I got used to the temperature, it was too hard to get out so I just stayed there for a while... Plus they said it's good for circulation and my legs have major issues so why not? Then we got going on the topic- "What will you give me if I jump in?" Negotiations went on for awhile... 10 euros per minute... 50 euros for just one jump...etc...But they were constantly reminding me that I was sick and I would get sicker!

Pascaline was like "You'll get the money but you'll have to pay the doctors to make you better"

"You guys are doctors so you can make me better"

"It costs more on the weekend"

"Okay... I'll just wait until Monday then!"

"You'll be dead by Monday!" Haha sounds like something my mom would say!

Finally, they knocked some sense into me... I wasn't gonna jump... But I really wanted to! So I was still hanging out... Nicolas had actually jumped in but he's crazy! I was flicking water to look at the ripples it makes... I was kinda like a kid... I was too easily entertained! Haha well somehow I lost balance/slipped and fell right in the pool! 16C/60F!!! I got up real quick and was just standing there in shock!

Pascaline whipped out her phone real quick and starting videoing all of it! She was like "Go jump in!" because I was already wet so I dived in and starting swimming! My whole body was instantly numb! Mailys was pointing out that my stretchy headband had fallen out and was just drifting in the water! I thought she was talking about some animal or creepy thing in the pool! So I looked to where she was pointing and screamed! But once I saw it was just my headband, I stopped screaming well kinda... headbands can be very scary little things! I bet you could choke someone with it!!! Okay back to the story... then they told me to swim! I tried but my body was so frozen! I could barely move let alone swim fast! Once someone came out with a towel, I got right out...

At least I was representing NY in my neon shirt!!!
Then I took the hottest steamiest bath ever! It was heaven! Eveyone thought I would get a lot sicker but it actually didn't make me too terribly worse and I progressively got better after that but like I said, I still have it but just to a lesser degree! Falling in the pool was pretty SICK :) I got some good stories to tell about it! Haha :-)


  1. Ohhh Alyssa... your blog makes me soooo happy! You seriously have no idea! This is how I entertain myself, haha! I come read your blog, so feel special! :D haha :) So, France looks like it is SO much fun! Laurel's isn't the same without you here, but we are definitely thinking about you and praying for you, and I give them updates from your blog! I am seriously so impressed that you are over there, because it sounds freakin' terrifying! But it sounds like you can just roll with anything :) Happy Late Birthday by the way!!! Old lady ;) jk haha!
    Love ya!
    -Hannah Banana :)

  2. Haha of course I feel special! The one and only Hannah Cream Pie reads my blog! I hope it is to your liking :-) Haha I miss you guys too! I'll be back next year to live it up with all y'alls! It is so crazy but I'm loving it :) Merci doll girl! Haha Love ya too
