Thursday, November 25, 2010

Month 3 Update

Okay... So I am here without a Visa and you are only allowed to stay 3 months as a visitor! So now I am officially illegal! The French are pretty chill with that so I'm not expecting to get thrown out anytime soon! :-) Finger crossed!

K... I can't lie... This past month has probably been the hardest so far! Starting with Halloween and kinda fluctuating however evident, I have just had a rough time... Mostly because my birthday and Thanksgiving were fast approaching. Those feelings kinda led to homesickness. On top of that, I felt stressed with all the catch-up I'm going to have to do next year and I was just fed up with French school and being "dumb"... At home, I knew there was always some way to figure out something I didn't understand but here it is just a matter of language and communication. I also really don't like the French school system and the teachers. The language is always a struggle. I had issues with some people in the US and France. I don't want to turn this into me complaining about things so I won't get into details. I was just flooded with a lot of worries that kept me up late thinking a lot of times. Quite a few tears were  shed for I probably worked myself into a fret for no reason...

I knew having all these feelings are normal and I wouldn't want a little rough patch to send me home for good and trust me I thought of it... But I realize that I am happy here and I know I would be happy and feel more comfortable at home but this is such a great experience and I have grown immensely as a person. I consider here my home as well! But that doesn't stop me from missing my AZ home. I was so close with all my family. Me and my mom were talking about that... A lot of times it has made me feel like I wasn't a "good" teenager because I rarely fought with her. I can't even explain how much I really do miss my friends and family but I know that the people who truly care about me will let me enjoy this experience and be there for me when I come back :-)

French... So right now I am on a "No English" policy! It gets difficult at times but it has helped me a lot! I can ask how to say things in French but other than that, ALL FRENCH! I'm getting more and more used to French. The kids are always laughing at my accent! I can't help it :) and I won't let that stop me from trying! Everyone else thinks it's cute! Haha :-) I never thought I would be anywhere where I had an accent! I'm from AZ for gooness sakes! Not the Deep South! :-)

I understand a lot! Definetely more than I can speak! But I can usually find a way to say how I feel... I do get frustrated but just gotta keep working and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel! Everyday I improve and learn more! French is beautiful and I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn it :-) I am always happy when I have a conversation with someone and they understood everything! Also... I used to ask Amel what words were in French and so now it feels amazingly awesome when she asks me what a word in English is by saying the French and I know right what it is! I have a lot of people around me who are willing to help me learn and correct  me when needed which may be more than I would like but that's how I learn!


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