Sunday, September 19, 2010


Sunday... Oh my goodness!!! Such a crazily amazing day! :) We went to Avignon! Abby came with. It was a two hour drive there and we stopped to have a picnic! I took a ton of pictures but in all honesty, the pictures don't do it justice! It was absolutely incredible! 

From the moment we arrived at Avignon,
I was totally in awe starting with
the walls around the whole city.

This was the parking garage!
I thought it was funny because it was all bright pink and
the ones in the US are just plain concrete!

The cool thing about all the places we go is that there is history behind everything and I find it very interesting! So I always am learning new things! Something new I learned about Avignon- it was once home of the popes in the 14th century deviating from its usual headquarters in Rome thus the name Palais Des Papes (Palace of the Popes).

Notice the lovely elephant statue!


The village square
Freakin legit right???


I couldn't figure out how to flip the picture :)

An old theater

My grandma likes carousels so I made sure to take a picture :-)

Lots of French flags!

Haha this man has to be one of the highlights of the trip!! Haha he was going around screaming something in French. The only thing I could understand was "LA. POLICE. NATIONALE." which means the national police of course! Abby later told me it was about how the police were threatening to kill him or some crazy thing like that!


This was how Abby felt about that man!

Close up!!!!

This was how I felt!
I couldn`t stop laughing!!
I thought it was hilarious

I took pictures of a lot of random things because they just looked cool!

I love the old look of everything!

I thought this chapel was pretty cool!!! It is just kinda interesting with the stained glass and all... Haha Pascaline was like "If you think this is cool, wait until you go to Notre Dame in Paris!" So now I am hecka excited to go there!!!

Clock Tower

I'm sure most of you have heard about the Bridge at Avignon!!! A flood a long time ago wiped out about half of the bridge! And of course the famous song "Sur le Pont d'Avignon"!


Abby what a doll!

One of the views from the bridge

And the other side

And another!

This was the end of the bridge!
I took this picture and the whole time I was thinking
"It would suck if I dropped my camera"
Gorgeous view of the entire city
This is for surely one of my favorites!


I absolutely loved Avignon! I know it was a lot of pictures but I hoped you liked it :) 

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