Sunday, September 26, 2010

A La Plage!!!

Marine went to ride her horse for 8 hours! But the rest of us went to the beach!!! It was a perfect day! :-) I learned a little bit about Napoleon on the way there! The weather was amazing! Sunny with a slight breeze so it's not too hott! :-)

I wasn't planning on getting in the water! First off, because I thought it was freezing! And secondly, because when you are covered in water, it is instant adhesive for the sand which didn't sound too fun to me! But once the kids found out I didn't want to get in, they started chasing me up and down the beach and eventually into the water! It kinda turned into tag and it was super fun!!! But very exhausting! The water actually felt really good! The first shock was the worst! Haha I love playing with the kiddos but when they get to be too much, I hang with the adults! Haha it's like the best of both worlds! Just like Hannah Montana... :-) I swam pretty far out so I felt like I got my exercise for the day! Then I just collapsed on a towel! I got a little bit tan, read my book, and just got to chill!!! Good day :-)

This is Carter! He is quite the funny kid!

Sohpie! Also known as "Chica"! Haha :-)

We was climbing on this railing almost the whole time!
He kept saying "I'm a monkey!!" :-)

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