Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Evil English Teacher!

Well... Tuesday in my English Reinforced class we got our tests handed back. I saw a lot of things marked wrong that shouldn't have been! Normally, I would just take the slightly less than perect score and just deal with it! The score wasn't bad but number 1-it was the principle of it and number 2-I think being on my "own" has made me more assertive! I think this teacher hasn't really liked me from the beginning! She's British! And they all think we ruined the English language! She is kinda a fake nice!

Anywho... I went up to her at the end of the class and simply just asked her what was wrong with my test! She starts going off into this spew in her ridiculous British English! "You are UTTERLY wrong!"! She couldn't even say why! Just that I was wrong! She is the one who started beoming arguementative and confrontational and I wasn't gonna take it! I even asked her if she was grading me harder because I know English and she just wants to prove I don't even know my own language! She didn't deny it! She just said "Well I know your English isn't perfect" and I said well "Duh and I'm sure yours isn't either!"

 Finally, she just kicked me out of the class! Haha that was the first time I've ever been kicked out of a class! I may have picked a battle that I shouldn't have but I refuse to be her American doormat no matter how many times she kicks me out of her class!!! When I was talking to some friends, I said "I want to throw lemons at her" and they taught me the French expression- "I want to throw rocks at her"! Both so true...

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