Saturday, September 25, 2010

Marine's Back!!!

So Marine has been in AZ for about a month and a half! But she was missing home too much so she got to take a week off of school! Come here for 2 weeks! And then go to San Diego with my family for a week after that! Crazy!! She arrived Saturday night and we all went to pick her up at the airport. I'm sure she was really happy to be back in her native France.

Yeah for me! She was able to come with a lot of stuff for me!  My wonderful and loving mother went to the store 3 time to get it all!!! It felt like Christmas! :-) I got a lot of needs- running shoes, some make up, bathing suit, clothes I forgot, books, medicine, cute scarves, my patriarchial blessing, and some transformers! But best bestest of all, my mommy got me loads of American candy!!! We sure know how to make some wicked junk food!!!  :-) I was simply in heaven! Thanks again Mommy!!! Haha I know I'm 16 and I still call my mom "Mommy"!!! Haha

These is my "Secret American Junk Food Stash" which I might have to change because the kids found it!!! :-)
Not so secret anymore!!!
 Most missed junk food: Reese's- These were never really my favorite but my sister, Bri, absolutely adores them so they totally remind me of her; Sour Punch Kids and Swedish Fish- Remind me of my brother, Jer; Hot Fudge Sundae Poptarts- I had these all the time Freshman year after my brother, Josh, introduced them to me; Gum- I so so so miss American gum; and finally, PEANUT BUTTER M&MS!!!- These are for surely my biggest craving right now! Peanut Butter in general actually! I never especially liked peanut butter but when I came here I realized how American it is! It make me feel at home! Peanut butter and honey toast or with peanut buter and nutella! It tastes like Reese's!  :-) So with my new obsession of peanut butter when I got these peanut butter M&Ms, I was tripping! When something like chocolate and peanut butter combine it is simply perfection!!!! My mom even added some See's chocolate which is crazy good!!! Some stuff Marine said "We have that in France" and I would just tell her "No! It's better in America!" Haha :-)

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