Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Week of School= Done!!!

I had been dreading this week more than anything for the past few months and now that's its over... I can't believe it. It was a lot better than I thought it would be! I'm not focused on my grades. I just kinda go with the flow and try and learn in the process. School here is very different than American schools. Everyday feels like a new adventure because your classes are different based on the day. I usually start at 8 but somedays I'll start at 9 or 10. Wednesdays are always half days which I love! :-) I'll get out of school around 4:30 to 6 but I have a 1-4 hour lunch. On the 4 hour days, I usually go home. The campus is open so you can leave whenever you want :-) which is a nice break from being locked in everyday.

French school- Most teenagers here smoke which I think is completely disgusting. During the passing periods, they'll go out to the front of the school and just smoke a cigarette and it's completely normal. I think it's ridiculous! And I hate breathing in the second hand smoke. Apparently, even some parents will buy their kids cigarettes. It's madness! Boys and girls will share the bathroom!!! There are designated ones but I guess they are too lazy to go find theirs so we all share! It's rather odd... Haha :-) For science, we have to wear white lab coats just like on tv so I feel real legit when we are experimenting! The classrooms are rather dull because teachers don't have set classrooms. They have to move from class to class.

Math is ridiculousy easy! We were doing percentages! Like if an item costs $x and is taxed at y% percent, how much is the tax? I have been doing this for years. I just had to translate the question and it was no problem. The sad thing was most people were legitimally confused! WOW! I guess going to school until 6 isn't helping too terribly much. JK but seriously!

I don't know which is easier-math or english? In English, I have assignments like write 10 lines in English of blah blah blah. Or read this cartoon in English blah blah blah. Mostly, I'm just there to say how I say it in English or tell about America so I'm digging it! I would be truly ashamed of myself if I failed that class! It's weird because now I am one person reflecting an entire country so I gotta to represent the USA!!!

So I met another American! He's from California and he's pretty cool. We have PE together and we both chose swimming for the next couple months. He's had 5 years of French so being here has not been too difficult for him. I also met a girl from Argentina and she's only had 4 months of French so atleast one person is worse off than I am. Plus more people speak English here than Spanish.

I'm kinda scared for when tests start and when the amount of homework increases but right now I'm just enjoying the chillness of it all. Amel and I always have a great time mostly spent laughing about my terrible French! But she is so nice. She's my French best friend and I would be so lost in school without her!

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