Sunday, September 19, 2010


So after we were done with Avignon, we took a 30 minute drive to Orange! Not the color! Not the fruit! The ancient Roman stadium! :-) It's more than 2000 years old!

This was some Roman ruler and a statue of him was put there to remind everyone who their leader is! Or something like that... 

A few different views of the stadium!

Our theaters are just a tad different! Haha it's funny how we can go from this to now so quickly!

This really was how people were entertained back in the day! With just simple plays! Actors on the stage and all the townspeople crowding the stadium!  Seating was based on status in the community! The higher up in the stadium= the less prominent you were! I think I would have been front and center!!! It's kinda cool to think what it would have been like back then!

We had these audio things where you typed in a number and then you listened to information about it. It was pretty funny. I felt like I was just talking on a big telephone the whole time! I learned lots though!!!

There was like a marathon or something going on and the stadium just happened to be the finish line :-)

 Shortyly after this picture was taken, I tripped on these stairs and then later some gravely rocks! Specifically for this purpose, I learned the French word for clumsy- "maladroite"! Haha yupp that's me all right!!!

I was already having a clumsy day so when I saw these stairs I just went "Oh man"! They were so steep! I made sure to hold on to the railings the whole time! :-)

This was the old temple ruins right by the stadium!

And to end the day we got ice cream!!! As per usual.... :-)
This place was simply awesome! It was just ancient greatness! :-) Haha I hope you enjoyed all the pictures of Avignon and Orange!

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