Monday, September 6, 2010

Just... Gotta... Learn... French....

So it has been quite a chill and uneventful week... I have been enjoying my last few days of break because it is going to get hecka stressful when school starts! I'm reading an excellent book called "The Pact" by Jodi Picoult. It's is rather sad but captivating all the same. Gosh! That Jodi Picoult is one of my favorite authors. Once I start reading her books, I have to legitemattely force myself to put it down! I hope to read all of her books. I have gotten completely moved into my room which is excellent. I'm starting to feel like it's my home especially with school starting! Before it just felt like a very awesome vacation. I met some really nice girls tonight who were next door. They spoke English. It always feels nice to talk like you're used to! But I just don't think it's helping me learn when I'm relying on my English! I just gotta speak French... Even if my pronunciation is terrrible and they laugh at me! Just gotta speak!!! Well first learn to understand French and then maybe I'll be able to learn in school!

Today I kinda started school. It was like the introductory thing... Like get your schedule, books, and informaton. Go over rules etc... And let's just say it was a total kick in the butt!! Geez Louis I need to learn French! It's almost dizzyng how stressed I feel! I just have to remember "Doesn't matter about grades... Just learn French!!!" So the quicker I learn French the sooner I can actually do good in class! I'm most likely going to fail at the beginning which I'm not gonna lie is kinda a new thing for me. One of my biggest abstract fears is failure. I never want to feel like I could have done better which I know is how I'm going to feel... Okay yes! I am somewhat kinda maybe a perfectionist... Haha it's both a gift and a curse!

I met this really nice girl named Amel! She really likes English and she so wants to go to America. She was real excited for me to be there. She spoke pretty good English! We could communicate pretty well. She helped me understand what was somewhat going on! She said she would help me with French and I could help her with her pronunciation etc... She is such a sweetheart! <3 And the way school here works you kinda stay with the same class all the time because you have a "major" I guess... I chose Literature which I guess is the most difficult (How will I ever do this???) So I think we will be good friends! She's really pretty too! At least I'm not going into this alone! :-) I just gotta remember "I'm Beast"! That's sounds like something my brothers would say about it!

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