Friday, October 8, 2010


Last week, I forgot to mention that this little boy I babysat for all the time in AZ had his birthday! Dallas, as of October 1st, is now 5 years old!!! I miss him so much!

He is kinda a spazz but he is so cute!!!

 My sister told me that a few weeks ago when she was in his class, Dallas goes up to her thinking she is me and says "Hey! You are back! How was France?" Aww!!! How cute! There is always a funny story with that kid! :-)

The Thornes!

They have such an amazing family! Mary is absolutely gorgeous and so nice! Ryan plays basketball with my dad! Dylan is 2 years old and such a cute kid! I so loved babysitting for them! They are in my ward and just down the street so it was so convenient! I am just hoping Dallas and Dylan don't forget me while I'm gone!

On Thursday, October 7th one of my best friends turned 17! Jessica Layton is a gorgeous girl! She is incredibly talented at the violin and I totally think she should go pro! She rocks at tennis! She kicks butt at any subjet possible! She is pretty much perfect at whatever she does but she does it all with humility and grace! She is gonna be something great! I have not heard a mean word come out of her mouth. Her laugh is adorable and she has just a nice spirit about her! She is so likeable and she goes on about a million dates. She is short but she has high heels that make up for it! We had Math, Chemistry, lunch, and Seminary together last year and they were a million times better with her. We were both transfer students at the beginning of the year-her from Stapley and me from Gilbert High- so we were instant friends. I love her so much!!! Happy Birthday Jessica Layton!

Gorgeous inside and out!

1 comment:

  1. DALLAS!!! I didn't know it was his birthday! They grow up so fast. :)
