Sunday, October 24, 2010

Off to Paris!

Our plan was to leave 8 AM on Sunday but that ended up being 10 AM. Reminded me of my family but we are usually 4 hours late :-) I was all packed by Saturday. We all had to pack lightly and anyone who knows me well will know that this is near impossible for me. I always get made fun of for it. Haha but I did really cool. I managed to do this... One small red duffel


Okay so that wasn't exactly everything! I had my "carry-on", my warm jacket, and two lighter jackets... But still not too bad! Right?


So get this! Goal for the week: Don't speak English! Haha so difficult but I thought it would be good for me! :-) So we visited the Ashtons real quick that morning and after that zero English! Oh la la
The trip up was pretty good. A lot different than my family trips but yet again they are a lot more normal than my family. We stopped a lot which is so unlike my family. We try to stop as little as possible. This trip the drivers were tired so they had to stop for coffee shots quite often and French gas stations are a lot more different than American. Fountain drinks are non-existent. You get these little cups of coffee unlike the giant US portion which lasts for a lot longer so that is one of the reasons we stopped a lot!

My family in general just has some fun road trips. My favorites were the ones when all the kids were still home. Three older boys (stinky car!) and three girls and the parents... and we had ourselves a party! We talked, watched movies, laughed, played road trip games (Alphabet game, "I'm going on a trip..."), ate tons of not so good for you food, and we just had fun. Those are definetely some of my best memories :)

We stopped and ate a packed lunch and there which was great and... oh yeah... They had the disgusting toilets!!! Rather than flushing, to clean um water just shoots out everywhere! I was laughing so hard!!! :-) It's just crazy!

It was wet and rainy most of the trip up there but it go nicer as we got farther away from the coast. I'm glad it wasn't the other way around. I thought this was funny because it just seem like one line just split the gray rainy clouds and the bright blue sky...


Nicolas is so funny! He was so intrigued by all the signs and EVERYTHING we passed so he would make comments about it all. "Oh look at that!" "That's the..." "How great!" Everyone would just kinda give him that "Oh yeah..." or just a grumble of acknowldegement but nobody really cared as much as he did. He never got the hint either. He just kept making his funny little comments. I finally just cracked up! And nobody understood why. I was just having a laughing seizure in the back seat!

We got there at about 8 at night. We went to Pascaline's sister, Sandrine's, house.  It was just a half an hour from Paris. She leaves there with her husband and two daughters! It was so so so tiny!!! The whole time I was just thinking "How are we all gonna fit?" Best part- upstairs they had a shower and sink in the bathroom but there was no toilet! You had to walk across the hall, down the stairs, and it was under the stairs. Just a toilet! It was hilarious! Typical France I guess...

There was a lot of their family there. We had dinner and they are all very nice. We had some extremely stinky cheese called Epoisses! And I ate it no problem... I thought I would be a lot more resistant to the whole cheese thing but I actually really like it even the moldy ones! Goat cheese is one of my favorites! We skyped Marine. I know how she feels... having your whole family there without you. It's one of the worst parts. So once everyone started leaving, I got so confused. Sandrine, her husband, and one daughter were going. I was confused because I was just thinking "Don't they live here?" Haha but they were just making room for us! How nice :-) By the end of the day, I was so exhausted and I slept well into the next morning but I was so excited to start discovering Paris!

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