Friday, October 15, 2010

General Conference... All Alone!

So every 6 months, there is a little thing us Mormons like to call GENERAL CONFERENCE! Haha this one was much more different than other general conference. The one exactly a year ago I actually did spend by myself. My family had all gone up to Salt Lake to actually go to it but I had a XC meet so I stuck around. I would stay at our friends, the Powells, just to sleep even though I would have been perfectly fine. And I just hung out by myself at my house all day. I remember it being a much needed break! I remember making cake batter and just eating it. My dad always does that and I actually really like it too! And I actually did watch conference! Not having nagging parents there, you would think, seeing as I'm a rebellious teenager, I would just skip out on it but not exactly. I liked it because I could pause and rewind the TV as I needed so my notes were really good and neat. Last conference spent with all my family, my notes were scribbly and terrible. 

I used to just think of Conference as cinnamon rolls and extra nap time. I would never take notes and I would barely be paying attention. But last year, I had such a good Seminary teacher who got me so excited for it and made me realize the importance of it. It's revelation directly for our time! Everything said is council directly from God! "By mine own voice or by the voice of myservents, it is the same" D&C 1:38.  It's everything I need to be able to handle the next 6 months! When I go in with particular questions, I will get answers as I seek them! There will be common themes which are important to take note of! This can be a testimony building and life changing experience if you go into with the right mind! Thomas S. Monson is such a great man! He faithfully leads this Church and puts his all into it. He has such a spirit that just shines from him. I've never met him but I'm positive he loves me so much! I don't understand how anyone can hear this man think he was lying or make everything up. I absolutely love President Thomas S. Monson! I absolutely know he is the true prophet and I sustain him as such!

This conference was spent really really all alone... I would watch it on the computer in my bedroom just sitting there taking notes! Sad right? :-/ No HD! No cinnamon rolls on Sunday morning as per usual Carter family tradition! No hearing my dad snore! No snuggling up with my sisters under big comforters! Nope... none of that this year! Just me, a computer, and a notebook! Kinda a sad image right?

Oh and this whole controversy with Boyd K. Packer is absolutely ridiculous! I can understand how his talk may have seemed a tad bit harsh to homosexuals. I know his intent was not to bully or persecute these people. Seeing as they are children of God, we love them as such. Previous to his talk, the entire worldwide church sustained the prophets and apostles which would of course include Boyd K. Packer. I know sustaining means that I recognize this man as a prophet, seer, and revelator for God. I know he would never lead the Church astray and I know God would not allow that. President Wilford Woodruff said: “The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and from their duty” Obviously, he was able to give his talk and that to me right there means, it is the truth.

So... even if it was just me, I was so happy for conference! It's something familiar to me and it made me happy thinking that every other LDS person in the world would be watching it too! So all in all, I wasn't alone this conference... I had an entire church right there along with me :-)

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