Friday, October 1, 2010


My excuse for missing was a "migraine" which wasn't too far off the truth except it just came a day late! My English teacher, the one that likes me, was like "Alyssa are you better??? Were you sick yesterday?"! It's better than her hating me... We had class representative elections in that class! It was funny because she read the votes out loud so everybody could see how much or little they were loved by the class!

I had a 4 hour lunch so I just came back to the house! I had to go back for this one really dumb class! Basically it's a group research paper that I don't need because I'm not passing the main exams but I have to stay to "help my group"! As if I can do anything but distract! I justs spent most of it drawing!

That class finished at 6! I missed the bus at 6 so I just walked down to the main bus station. But that bus was late so I ended up not getting back until 7:30! On top of that, I had a major headache! It's madness!!

That night, I just spent hanging out at the Ashton's! I was dead exhausted! I hate getting out of class so late! Thank goodness it's only my Friday class or I would have very much difficulty making myself do anything! So right when I got back home, I went straight to sleep! But I got up at 6 am and actually got ready for bed! :-)

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