Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Cuz You Had a Bad Day"

Thursday and Friday were not so great days. I had some worries that were getting on my nerves more than they should have and they were just days when it seems like nothing goes right. I finished at noon on Friday and at about 4:30 or 5 I just passed out! Sleep is great because you can't overthink or be involved. You can just dream! :-) And I was thoroughly exhausted so it was a good catch up. I woke up in time for a dinner and had a good time.

On Thursday, Nicolas's brother, his wife, and twin baby girls came to stay for a few days. The babies are so cute!!! They had these big bright eyes! I so want twins! I know it is more difficult but it would be so great!

On Saturday, I actually got ready because I had woken up late the past two days. We went to the Old Village in Mougins.

 We had a terrible time deciding where to go. We even sat down and this one place and ended up leaving because it was too expensive. Finally we went to this place where they had this random tree growing through the roof which I thought was rather odd.

My lunch was pretty good. Ordering is always a trip because well... I can't understand all of it! But this time, I got steak! If any of my siblings read this, they will be totally shocked! Me! Actually ordering steak!!! Haha

Starting at 12 going clockwise-
vegetables, pasta, steak, mashed potatoes, mashed corn cake

I would not recommend this restaurant due to the fact that we were supposed to get dessert but we were waiting an hour after we had finished our meals so we just left. It was kind of funny to see them get so upset. The lady wrapped up the apple tarts in foil and Mailys got ice cream so the lady decided that would be good idea to put into foil too! Nicolas said that if he hadn't paid with a card that had his name on it, he would have dropped the ice cream foil thing and say it was an accident. Definetely had to throw away the melty ice cream!

Just in case you are ever in the area,
here is the name of the restaurant!

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