Friday, October 8, 2010

Marine's Departure

Tuesday night, the family of Marine's friend came over for dinner. The parents spoke perfect English and Nina, their daughter, understood most of it so it was pretty good. Haha and apparently I sound like Michael Jackson!!! They might have been the wine talking... We had a great dinner but something I'm still not used to... how later dinner parties go... I had to be excused early because I was thorougly exhausted! I didn't work the next day because of it.

I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday writing letters to my family. When Marine left on Friday, she took them all with her as well as a few things I'm not using. My mom is a total cheap skate so I think she'll appreciate the fact that I just avoided having to pay a lot of postage! Unfortunately, my hand felt arthritic after all of it which might maybe possibly have to do with the fact that I write very long letters...

Friday, Marine left early in the morning. It had been... an eventful two weeks. Lucky for her though she is going back to go on vacation with my family to San Diego! Oh how jealous I am! :-)

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