Sunday, October 10, 2010


After a fantastic day at church, we all got packed up in the car and headed to Nice pronounced Niece! Although it is nice! It's a good 20-30 minutes drive there but I always love a little road trip! Well... as long as I don't get car sick. Sophie came along too! She's my little "chica"! Haha the first thing she says when we get in the car is "Alyssa take a picture of us" So the following 3 pictures are me appeasing her! They are pretty cute though! Right? :-)

Cutie pies!


Sophie's Idea: Talking! Haha
Nice is always fun to see because it is so touristy! And that is exactly how I feel! :-) It was hard to find a parking spot but we found one which was a tad bit of a squeeze! While trying to parallel park it, the car had a little run in with this metal barrier. Haha but it was no big deal cuz things like that happen all the time. One time, we went in this small little tunnel and it was totally scratching the top of the car but it was just kind like "Uhh... okay we're out! Just a little scratching!" It's just all small and compact. That's France for you! :-)

You fall, you're dead!

But at least you'd die in pretty blue water!
We saw some people on Segeways! I thinks it is just lazy! We were kicking it old school!
Beautiful view of Nice!

All the pictures are really foggy but gorgeous nonetheless! :)

'Please don't drop camera!!!"

I totally feel like I got my daily exercise! We walked up about a million stairs!

This many times 2570248!!!
So we walked up a little and got to this view!

My French parents!
So right in between these two pictures, the funniest thing happen! I love how kids just say what they want and they absolutely don't care what anyone else thinks! Well... there was this couple making out and Sophie really really loud says "THEY'RE MAKING OUT!" Haha they definetely heard her so they stopped and just walked away! I couldn't stop laughing! I told her I was gonna blog it and she seemed quite proud of herself!

Good climbing tree!

Walked up a ton more stairs and then got to this gorgeous view!

Old Nice is more Italian influenced which is why it has more color as you can see!

New Nice is on the farther side so you can't really see it but it is more touristy for sure!

So I flew into Nice a few month ago! I was flying in from Dublin but unfortunately, I was in an aisle seat on the wrong side of the plane so the first part of France I saw was the airport. I had no stinkin idea the airport was right by the ocean until this day!  I'd thought it would be more inland but nope! Haha hopefully I get a better seat next time!

Nice airport!
This is New Nice. It's mostly hotels and such... and it's a lot less colorful!

Definetely my favorite part of Nice!
So after begging forever, the little girls finally got to go play on this...

It's pretty much just a spiderweb of rope! Kids would climb to the dumb and then slide down a little ways!

I could not for the life of me understand why and how is it safe?

I could just imagine the number of kids who have gotten hurt on this thing!


It's a long drop from the top!

My intention was just to watch the little girls play...

Yeah... that's Sophie!
  ...but Pascaline and Nicolas were like "Yeah go on! Come on! For your blog! We'll take pictures!" So somehow I ended up on the spider web! Haha

I wasn't really blending in with the kids for two reasons:

1. I was a lot older and bigger than they were
2. I was much more scared than any of them. I think some of them were laughing at me!


After I had my fun, I retired to just taking pictures of the little monkeys!

Disregard Sophie's stomach! Haha :-)
Sophie's got skillz!
Oh wait... It's upside down! :-)

So after the girls had had their fun, we starting working our way down. We had discovered an elevator and we were all for it until we found out how much it costs...

90 euros= $1.25

So... obviously that wasn't gonna happen! They said "Either ice cream or the elevator"! Easy choice considering all the stairs were going down! And I said "Plus the walking will help work off the ice cream!" :-)

Sophie and her mint ice cream!
Good thing this one didn't tast like toothpaste like in Italy!
I'm almost postive we have gotten ice cream at almost every place we visit which is a tradition I'm quite fond of! :)

Pascaline got a very interesting flavor... Violet! Like the flower! I had never had flower-flavored anything but this was really good!

Classic vanilla and chocolate!
 I always get chocolate ice cream! It's amazing and will always be!

And for me, pistachio and chocolate!


Pebble beach of Nice!

Waterfall we walked up to!

Promenade des Anglais

Stupid clouds...

Just a few of the all the lovely stairs we climbed!

Sophie and I were walking on these benches and it was all fun and games until...

Sophie broke her finger!!!

Oh wait a second! That was from a few weeks ago! She got it playing rugby at school! By her best friend, Mailys, of course! Haha :-)

Sophie and I decided that we own these boats because we are filthy rich!

Yacht club much?

Sopie and I somehow got started singing songs about Rockin and Rolling! Pretty soon it just kinda turned into this "ROCKIN AND A ROLLING!!!" as we walked down the street! Haha so I was like "Sophie let me see your rockin and rollin" and took pictures of them! 


So it was a great day, especially considering the fact that it was 10/10/10! Haha my Aunt Cari got married that day too! :-)

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