Monday, October 11, 2010


Today, a girl was really sick in my science class. Just randomly, she stands up with her hand over her mouth looking really queazy and everyone knows exactly what that means! She almost makes it out of the classroom... but no! She pukes right in the sink at the front of the classroom! It was so nasty! But thank goodness it didn't smell! It sure was fun for the teacher having to wash out the sink!

On a completely opposite note, I love having experiences or just small moments when I think "I'm so glad I'm here". I could be doing hours and hours of Junior year homework. I could be fighting with my sister about well... nothing! I could be running in the ridiculously hot Arizona heat for Cross Country! I could... well... I could be doing a million other things but I'm so glad I was here to experience that precious moment. It is just like a time where you are so happy and lively. A moment you wish you could keep forever. When you having a hard time, it is moments like these you ponder and wish to relive. They are pictures on the walls of your memory! Wow... that's dang poetic!!! :) "I was a poet and I didn't even know it!" I taught Amel that and she got a big kick out of it!

Well... anyway tonight was one of those nights. I love dinners because we are just all together hanging. Talking about our day and future plans. Usually fitting some little French lesson in there. Eating delcious food! Seriously amazing! :-) Haha and just laughing together! Moments like that are so fun and remind me of home.

Tonight was so funny! Haha we talked about this French skit about how this comedian would only really know how to say a few things in English or something like that! But his main thing is - "Where is Bryan" "Bryan is in the kitchen!" I guess it's pretty popular! Haha Marine was saying that and Elena was like "She's crazy! She's talking about Bryan in the kitchen" to me.

For dessert, we were eating chocolate. Nicolas has been healthy conscious so basically no sugar. However, I've caught him sneaking a few times and he always has a funny excuse for it. Like the chocolate tonight... This particular chocolate had squares with elephants on them. He had eaten some and our conversation is as follows:

"What happened to no sugar?"

"Well... 'cept for chocolate? And see I'm only eating one!" and then he ate another.

"But I just saw you eat some before!"

"No no no!!! It wasn't a full elephant"

"Oh! So it doesn't count if it is broken! Right? Haha and since when do we count in elephants?"

Haha and then he started going off about how much he liked elephants! It was hilarious!!! Not a full elephant!!!

Something interesting I found out- each region has their own culinary speciality! I'm a big fan of food so I was digging it! For example, Nice has this special salad... Bretagne has crepes....Dijon had mustard (of course) etc...

Nicolas got a gift from one of his patients of these lovely oh so amazing watches! Haha I don't think I stopped laughing the whole time!

And then we started blasting "Waka Waka" by Shakira. It was an awesome night! My final laugh-Nicolas trying to say century! He said it like sin-tree with a funny accent twisted into it!

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