Saturday, October 16, 2010

English Cinema

Saturday, was a not too terrible day! I was kinda sad that my family was all on vacation but it wasn't anything too bad. I just spent most of the day reading, writing, and watching... Abby and I watched She's The Man. That made me sad because I've watched that movie a million times with my sisters! Ahh... I hope Lane and I can watch it together one time like where we chat and start it at the same time! Haha that would be awesome...

That night I had pizza at the Ashtons and was gonna stick around for a bit but I ended up going to the American cinema with Pascaline and Nicolas. It's the original movie but with French subtitles. It was really fun for me because I could see the French and hear the English. We saw the movie "The Social Network". It was pretty good. I don't know how much of it was true and how much was made just to entertain but still good all the same. 500 million members on Facebook! Mark Zuckerburg is filthy rich! FB is worth about $25 billion dollars! Oh la la! The room it was shown in was quite laughable. It was so tiny... There were a few more rows behind us but still... Come on!

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