Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 5- Le Louvre

Last full day in Paris!! How sad :(  This day doesn't have a whole lot of pictures because I think I just took less and less as the week went by but I got all the important ones! We took the Metro again and this guy wheeled in some speakers and an accordion and just started playing for a few stops then went around for tips. Then right after him, this guy was like "Attention ladies and gentlemen... Blah blah blah" That's all I understood because he had the most gravely disgusting voice! Nicolas said it was because he has lung cancer... Ironically enough, he was begging for cigarettes! Oh the things you see on the Metro!

We arrived right at the Louvre. We had barely caught one of the Metro trains and I hadn't seen which way it was coming in... So I was expecting it to go the other way... I hadn't gotten a good hold of anything and so when it jolted forward I fell way back. I was like clutching people's arms and I fell on people behind me... Haha they were all laughing at me for a while!

Because we had taken Capucine to Versailles on Wednesday, it was Stanilsas's turn to come along. He was so funny! He had that canister of Pringles that he just carried around all day!

The Louvre... There are about 35,000 objects on display

The museum is actually housed in the Louvre Palace which was originally a fortress and later the household of Louis XIV. During the French Revolution, the Palace became the museum it is today

Tthe famous glass pyramid... built by I.M. Pei in 1989 which now functions as the museum's main entrance

This is the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel... And you can see the actul Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile right through the replica!

Then we went back inside! And everyone was hungry so we ate at this food court of the World! I got pizza cuz I was kicking it Italian! Dessert was the best part! Gelato!!! Vanilla and Pistachio! The Vanilla was so good and that's totally not my flavor but it had that real vanilla taste with the litte brown dots! You know???Haha

I am one happy girl when I have me some ice cream!


After we went to get tickets at the kiosk... Haha I was trying to put the language in English and Japanese! Haha I was just saying "You know it!!" So then we headed into the Louvre! First stop- bathrooms! Typical girls line... After we had gone to the bathroom and we went up to the 2nd floor and there was no line! Haha of course!

While Pascaline and Mailys waited...
...I went to take some pics under the pyramid!

The museum itself is really pretty...

The glass pyramid also serves the purpose of letting light into the ground floor but this day obviously there was no sun to let in

This elevator was so cool!!!


This was a replica of Napoleon's apartments... We were like "We need a chair like that!"

Those dresses looked so uncomfortable...

Who would ever have this many dinner guests???


He was known for being a short man... and judging from the size of the bed... I think that is absolutely true!

The couch was twice as big as the bed!

Pretty stairwells...


You know in the Princess Diaries when Mia breaks the sculptures finger and puts it in the sculpture's mouth? And later some people are like "String cheese!" Haha well this reminded me of that... But the missing finger wasn't in her mouth like string cheese!

We really were like in and out (In N Out! Mmmm! One of my most missed American things!) really quick because lots of walking, museum-ing isn't the most stimulating activity, and Mailys is only 9... She could care less about famous works of art! But of course we saw the Mona Lisa...

This was the closest we could get... No zoom...

In French for some reason, it is called "La Joconde" instead of the Mona Lisa

The girlys!

Definetely one of the more tourist attracting sights...

So they had this giant wall for just the small painting... I know lots of people who were amazed that such a famous, well-know painting was so small but because I had heard that so much I was ready for it...

So then we just kinda headed out but we saw things along the way...We would be like "Oh that's so and so..." Haha this thing is so creepy!

Mailys wanted me to "control" her and she would stop right in front of me and make me push her. She would hit the others and then blame it on me... She finally stopped when she tripped and fell down :)

I got the worst case of hiccups! They were loud enough already but the museum echos! Haha so it was hilarious!!!

It was pretty warm in there and on the stairs Mailys and me found a vent shooting right out of the ground that was a good cool down and looked rather funny!

The others got sick of waiting so they just left and Mailys freaked out and thought we were stuck in the museum forever and then Pascaline came back after like 10 seconds...

I was making fun of him! "Haha you have a purse!!!" so in return, when we were getting our coats from the cloak room, he tried to give the lady back mine saying "We don't need this one!" Haha

So somewhere in the day, Stanislas had lost the cap to the chips. We were in the center of the museum getting ready to leave and he bent over and all the chips fell out!

Then he tried to sweep it up with his foot... Haha we just kinda left it

Some had gotten in Mailys's boot and later than night, she tipped them and all these chips came out... Haha

We took the Metro and RER back... I was so exhausted! In the train, I was yawning up a storm and Nicolas was saying that I yawned 40 times a minute! So each time I yawned, he would be like "Another one!"

The house isn't too far so the girls decided to walk back but the boys were too weak so they drove! Everyone was like "It's so cold!" and all day I was just like "It's nice out!" Haha and most of the time I just ended up carrying my jacket... I was looking around at everyone else and I had the only bare arms... I thought that was quite the accomplishment considering I'm from AZ!

This was one of the funniest nights of the entire trip... The kids played more soccer downstairs but this time Mailys got nailed right in the nose! Poor thing! At dinner, I learned French expressions like- "Ah bon?" "Oh la la" "C'est interdit par la loi" (It's forbidden by the law)... Haha I would just randomly fit those in somewhere with a decent dose of exaggeration!

The guy there is actually Candian and I was talking about how I used to say "Eh?" at the end of sentences even though I was never around Canadians... But then I got made fun of so much so I stopped! It does come up every now and again...

I was talking about how I didnt want to leave Paris and then somehow we got on the riff that I could stay as a hobo and can play the accordion and beg for cigarettes like the guys we had seen today... My key phrase would be- "Je suis une clocharde americaine"= "I am an American hobo!" Haha but since I don't smoke, I would sell the cigarettes to other hobos who did!

Okay... So I wouldn't want to be a hobo but I really do love Paris! You see and hear about it so much that you would think it wouldn't be amazingly different seeing it in person but that's so not true! You really have to go for yourselves! It's just beautiful... and I for surely want to go back!!!

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